Free Consultation

OJ Macklin Fitness

Schedule A Call For A Free Custom Fitness Evaluation!

Speak to one of our fitness instructors to determine your goals and the ideal training program for you

OJ Macklin

Hi, my name is OJ Macklin

I understand how difficult choosing the right fitness plan can be, and not falling victim of the latest diet fad. In my years as a personal trainer I have helped hundreds of clients of all ages and fitness & levels. The one thing that they all had in common was that they had to reach deep down and find their WHY, and then establish the BELIEF that they could do it. At OJ Macklin Fitness, we help you create the belief you can succeed and offer you a personalized blueprint to reach your goals, while training with a fantastic group of members just like you.

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How my program works:

Fitness Evaluation

Fitness Evaluation

Reach your full potential with the accountability of a coach.

Group Training

Group Training

Personalized attention in a group training environment.



Diet is crucial. We help you identify the right foods for your training journey.

Buy Back Your Pounds Program

The BBYP is an incentive based year-long program that gives you the ability to earn back the money you spent on training based on pounds lost and body fat percentage lost. The money you earn through this program can be applied to the following month's training or given directly to you ... it’s your choice.

Invest in yourself and start today!

Children's Classes

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Adult Classes

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Adult Classes

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